A Lovely Year of Finishes @ Fiber of All Sorts and
Sew Bittersweet Designs are hosting this linky party. They only require that you post one project to finish for the month. Since I need to push myself a bit and my first project will be completed before the end of the month I am expanding my list. I have so many to choose from!! In 2012 I led another WIP/UFO Challenge and the majority on my list in 2012 made the 2013 list. Ahhh! starting a business at home put me behind. I hope to have many finishes in 2013. Thank you to Fiber of All Sorts and Sew Bittersweet Designs for this wonderful incentive.
Baseball T-Shirt Quilt
The first quilt I want to complete is the baseball t-shirt quilt. More on this quilt
here and
here. Overall making a t-shirt quilt is quicker to make, not necessarily easier dealing with stretchy fabric and a need to stabilize it. But I am so excited about making this quilt (2 more after this one)! One for each grandson. I have been storing their shirts in bags that has been taking up closet space. Time to get them finish.
God's Perpetual Dance Quilt

In a need for something different I want to create something new before tackling t-shirt quilt 2 and 3. This is the next planned quilt. I have one block sewn and many more to make. The stars are paper pieced and the rest of the quilt is pieced. Paper piecing is bit more time consuming but so well worth it. I created the quilt block and pattern on Electric Quilt. I am
looking forward actually excited to see what it will look like made up. A block alone doesn't give the overall movement of the quilt. More about God's Perpetual Dance Quilt
here. I only plan to create the quilt top in March.
Craftsy BOM 2012
As you can see they are blocks waiting to be sewn together. I believe I still have December's blocks to create as well. You may recognize them if you participated in Amy Gibson's Craftsy Block of the Month. Each month focused on a new quilting block technique such as hexies, stripping, curves, dresden plates, asteriks, and etc. It was so fun! I hope to create the quilt top only or possibly sandwiching it as well.
In 2012 I completed all 12 Redwork Winter Twitterings blocks designed by Pearl Louise Krush. I am so excited about finishing this quilt top too! It was nice to have handwork while watching tv with my hubby. The quilt top will have variable stars, windmills, on-point squares and 4 blocks.
This is quite an ambitious list!! If there is no plan or a plan written down little gets accomplished in my day to day!
Let us see what March will bring in finishes!
Happy Quilting and sending wishes to all that they too will complete their March goals. See you at A Lovely Year of Finishes.