Here I am still messing with the St. Louis 16 Patch Block. It's been hanging on the design board for a long time. It first looked like this. I did rearrange so

that the coral blocks were spread out more evenly. But then I kept coming across other images of this same pattern and just couldn't reach a sense of satisfaction.
I contemplated on creating a disappearing 16 block but didn't like how it would cut off points. Then I saw an image of one with the blocks on-point and loved that setting. It had a plain block for every other one. Since the blocks are 16" blocks I nixed that idea since it takes away too much of the scrappiness and makes the quilt way bigger than desired. Back to the drawing board or better the design board. I rearranged and played with the idea of sashing and setting the blocks on-point. Hmm this is appealing and different.
So should the on-point blocks float? This appealed to me.
How about keeping with pattern with set-in blocks? Oh I like this too.
Now I have a enough blocks to make one more quilt.
In the process of making 2 sets of 15" Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls. One set is for a custom order and the other will be for My Etsy Shop.
I had a whoopee moment last week as I made my first sale in My Etsy Shop a Raggedy Ann outfit.

I just love this quilt . . . and she sent me the pattern! Last evening, finally having a moment to read the pattern, I decided I needed to make this quilt. I visited her blog a few minutes ago and once again have been wowed away with her awesome quilt designs! If you have a moment take a peek. You will see lots of eye candy other there!
That's all for the Works in Progress updates.
This week I am in high giddy mode having Modern Star Quilt being featured at 3 Linky Parties this week. To read more about it go here.
Linky parties I am attending:

Happy quilting all,